Lufthansa agreed to a government rescue on Friday

Lufthansa agreed to a government rescue on Friday

It has been hoping for inclusion for some time, as the free float-weighted market capitalization is around 14.4 billion euros. So far, however, these dreams have failed on the one hand because of the stock market turnover of the MDax company. On the other hand, there was also no Dax member who – like Lufthansa now – no longer complied with the residence rules.

Should there be an exchange, Lufthansa would find each other in the MDax and Deutsche Wohnen in the Dax from Monday, June 22nd.

Index changes are particularly important for funds that precisely replicate indices. There must then be adjusted accordingly, which can affect the share price.

(A letter has been added to the heading: Strong.)

From January 2021: These health insurances increase the additional contribution New resolution: Costs for courts and lawyers rise Judgment: Tennis instructor with a broken wrist is unable to work Due to sales ban: Manufacturers collect fireworks and firecrackers again Care for 10,000 children: Ikea opens second furniture store in India

PARIS / LONDON (dpa-AFX) – Europe’s stock exchanges expanded their previous day’s profits on Tuesday. According to market analyst Michael Hewson from broker CMC Markets UK, there is still optimism about the longer-term prospects that the global relaxation of the restriction measures in the corona crisis will bring with it. It is still easier that US President Donald Trump has not yet escalated the conflict with China over Hong Kong as feared.

The leading Eurozone index EuroStoxx 50 closed 2.63 percent higher to 3159.02 points. In Paris, the Cac 40 gained 2.02 percent to 4858.97 points. The British benchmark index FTSE 100 rose by 0.87 percent to 6220.14 points.

Helaba analyst Christian Schmidt warned against the background of the strong recovery that negative aspects are currently being ignored. "Examples include the civil war-like scenes from the USA or the high US savings rate in April", he wrote.

PARIS / LONDON (dpa-AFX) – The European stock exchanges rose on Monday morning. Overall, market participants seem to interpret the developments in the conflict between China and the USA as alleviating. The leading Eurozone index EuroStoxx 50 recently rose by 0.61 percent to 3068.76 points.

From January 2021: These health insurances increase the additional contribution New resolution: Costs for courts and lawyers rise Judgment: Tennis instructor with a broken wrist is unable to work Due to sales ban: Manufacturers collect fireworks and firecrackers again Care for 10,000 children: Ikea opens second furniture store in India

The big country exchanges also went uphill. In Paris, the Cac 40 gained 1.09 percent to 4719.24 points, while the British benchmark index FTSE 100 rose 1.01 percent to 6137.72 points.

On Friday, US President Donald Trump responded to China’s interference in what is actually an autonomous Hong Kong. The US government will largely end preferential treatment for the metropolis. That will also affect export controls and tariffs, said Trump.

Nursing home action causes a stir

Macron reports from quarantine with a video message

MPs reckon with sexism in the Bundestag

This building is way more famous than it looks

Instagram star dies after cosmetic surgery

Elephant cow gives birth – reaction of the herd amazes

US Vice President Pence vaccinated against Corona

NASA mission enables a first look inside Mars

These rules apply to your fireworks in the garden

Spahn asks for patience when distributing the vaccine

Strange beer appearance in the US Parliament

Suddenly there is no stopping the minister

Container use due to Corona causes a stir

Towing service has a bad surprise

Winter weather causes chaos on the US east coast

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China’s reaction followed on Monday: According to insiders, Chinese government officials ordered the large state-owned agricultural corporations to stop purchasing some American agricultural goods, reports the Bloomberg news agency.

The capital markets had expected a harder reaction from Trump, observers said. In addition, the recovery in sentiment among industrial companies in the euro zone supported sentiment.

Stoxx Europe Travel was among the sectors & Leisure leads the way with a plus of 2.14 percent. Lufthansa agreed to a government rescue on Friday. However, there is no trading on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange on Whit Monday.

In Milan, the Mediobanca share jumps by up to 14 percent. Billionaire Leonardo Del Vecchio asks the Italian central bank for permission to increase its stake in Italy’s largest exchange-traded investment bank to up to 20 percent.

PARIS / LONDON (dpa-AFX) – Europe’s stock exchanges expanded their previous day’s profits on Tuesday. According to market analyst Michael Hewson from broker CMC Markets UK, there is still optimism about the longer-term prospects that the global relaxation of the restriction measures in the corona crisis will bring with it. It is still easier that US President Donald Trump has not yet escalated the conflict with China over Hong Kong as feared.

From January 2021: These health insurances increase the additional contribution New resolution: Costs for courts and lawyers rise Judgment: Tennis instructor with a broken wrist is unable to work Due to sales ban: Manufacturers collect fireworks and firecrackers again Care for 10,000 children: Ikea opens second furniture store in India

The leading Eurozone index EuroStoxx 50 closed 2.63 percent higher to 3159.02 points. In Paris, the Cac 40 gained 2.02 percent to 4858.97 points. The British benchmark index FTSE 100 rose by 0.87 percent to 6220.14 points.

Helaba analyst Christian Schmidt warned against the background of the strong recovery that negative aspects are currently being ignored. "Examples include the civil war-like scenes from the USA or the high US savings rate in April", he wrote.

PARIS / LONDON (dpa-AFX) – The most important European stock indices went out of trading with profits on Monday. At the start, price gains in Asia created a good mood. This was later supported by positive economic data. The uninspired Wall Street did not provide any further impetus, but also did not dampen the mood.

From January 2021: These health insurances increase the additional contribution New resolution: Costs for courts and lawyers rise Judgment: Tennis instructor with a broken wrist is unable to work Due to sales ban: Manufacturers collect fireworks and firecrackers again Care for 10,000 children: Ikea opens second furniture store in India

The EuroStoxx 50 finally went out of trading with a premium of 0.91 percent to 3077.92 points. In Paris, the Cac 40 even gained 1.43 percent to 4762.78 points, while the British FTSE 100 rose 1.48 percent to 6166.42 points.

The mood in industrial companies in the eurozone had recovered somewhat in May. The brightening was particularly noticeable in Italy. In Spain, the value rose slightly more than expected. As a result, the stock markets in Milan and Madrid were among the biggest winners, with premiums of almost two percent each.

Nursing home action causes a stir

Macron reports from quarantine with a video message

MPs reckon with sexism in the Bundestag

This building is way more famous than it looks

Instagram star dies after cosmetic surgery

Elephant cow gives birth – reaction of the herd amazes

US Vice President Pence vaccinated against Corona

NASA mission enables a first look inside Mars

These rules apply to your fireworks in the garden

Spahn asks for patience when distributing the vaccine

Strange beer appearance in the US Parliament

Suddenly there is no stopping the minister

Container use due to Corona causes a stir

Towing service has a bad surprise

Winter weather causes chaos on the US east coast

Among the individual values, representatives of the travel and leisure industry were at the top in view of increasing easing. The corresponding industry index increased by three percent.

At the top of the EuroStoxx 50, however, was the Finnish network equipment supplier Nokia with a markup of almost six percent. The US bank JPMorgan had raised the rating for the company and is now recommending buying the paper.

In Milan, Mediobanca won eight percent. The billionaire Leonardo Del Vecchio wants to increase his stake in the Italian bank to up to 20 percent.

PARIS / LONDON (dpa-AFX) – Fresh economic data once again accelerated the recent strong upward movement on the European stock exchanges on Wednesday. The data from China, the euro zone and, in the afternoon, also from the USA were better than expected.

From January 2021: These health insurances increase the additional contribution New resolution: Costs for courts and lawyers rise Judgment: Tennis instructor with a broken wrist is unable to work Due to sales ban: Manufacturers collect fireworks and firecrackers again Care for 10,000 children: Ikea opens second furniture store in India

The leading euro zone index EuroStoxx 50 expanded its already high level of the previous day and gained 3.50 percent to 3269.59 points at the close of trading. In Paris, the Cac 40 rose by a similarly strong 3.36 percent, with 5022.38 points for the first time since the beginning of March, the return above the round mark of 5000 points. The leading London index FTSE 100 rose by 2.61 percent to 6382.41 points.

There were only winners across the industry in Europe. The insurers were particularly in demand with a plus of 6.77 percent. The health and pharmaceuticals sector came in last with a plus of 0.27 percent.

Nursing home action causes a stir

Macron reports from quarantine with a video message

MPs reckon with sexism in the Bundestag

This building is way more famous than it looks

Instagram star dies after cosmetic surgery

Elephant cow gives birth – reaction of the herd amazes

US Vice President Pence vaccinated against Corona

NASA mission enables a first look inside Mars

These rules apply to your fireworks in the garden

Spahn asks for patience when distributing the vaccine

Strange beer appearance in the US Parliament

Suddenly there is no stopping the minister

Container use due to Corona causes a stir

Towing service has a bad surprise

Winter weather causes chaos on the US east coast

Axa stood out in the EuroStoxx 50 with a price jump of 10.37 percent. The insurer is capping its dividend for 2019 to 73 cents per share, but the 70 cents missing for the full dividend are not yet completely lost for the shareholders. They could still be distributed in the fourth quarter, if the situation on the markets and the financial resources allow it.

Analyst Claudia Gaspari from British bank Barclays praised the payment of a dividend. The French competitors Scor and CNP Assurance, however, would have canceled the dividends. She hardly cherished the hope that Axa would pay a dividend. There was also strong demand in Switzerland for Swiss Re’s shares, up 8.21 percent.

Novartis, however, lagged behind the overall market with a minus of 0.13 percent. The Swiss pharmaceutical manufacturer will have to wait until September for its multiple sclerosis drug ofatumumab to be approved in the USA.

Renault gained 10.49 percent in the Cac 40 and benefited from a Goldman Sachs study. On the occasion of the realignment of the Renault-Nissan alliance, it recommends buying the share of the car manufacturer at cost instead of growth and raised the price target. The French car maker is a big beneficiary of short-term car purchase premiums in Europe. In addition, the carmaker, which got into financial difficulties, has agreed a state-guaranteed loan of up to five billion euros with banks.

Tui won 8.52 percent in London. The world’s largest travel company agreed after the flight ban for the medium-haul jet 737 Max with the aircraft manufacturer Boeing on compensation for the damage. Much of the load is offset. The deal also makes it easier for the tourism group, which is ailing in the Corona crisis, to reduce its fleet.

PARIS / LONDON (dpa-AFX) – The European stock exchanges gave way on Friday, ending the series of increases of the past few days. The increasing tensions between China and the US weighed on the courses. The trigger is China’s controversial security law for Hong Kong. The leading Eurozone index EuroStoxx 50 lost 1.43 percent to 3,050.20 points.

From January 2021: These health insurances increase the additional contribution New resolution: Costs for courts and lawyers rise Judgment: Tennis instructor with a broken wrist is unable to work Due to sales ban: Manufacturers collect fireworks and firecrackers again Care for 10,000 children: Ikea opens second furniture store in India

On a weekly basis, however, there is a considerable plus of five percent. In May the profit was a good four percent.

The major country exchanges also went down before the weekend. In Paris, the Cac 40 lost 1.59 percent to 4695.44 points, while the British benchmark index FTSE 100 even fell 2.29 percent to 6076.60 points.

Nursing home action causes a stir

Macron reports from quarantine with a video message

MPs reckon with sexism in the Bundestag

This building is way more famous than it looks

Instagram star dies after cosmetic surgery

Elephant cow gives birth – reaction of the herd amazes

US Vice President Pence vaccinated against Corona

NASA mission enables a first look inside Mars

These rules apply to your fireworks in the garden

Spahn asks for patience when distributing the vaccine

Strange beer appearance in the US Parliament

Suddenly there is no stopping the minister

Container use due to Corona causes a stir

Towing service has a bad surprise

Winter weather causes chaos on the US east coast

In the past few days, investors had been banking on an economic recovery thanks to the massive measures taken by governments and central banks to counter the corona crisis, but now the focus is on the tensions between the USA and China. These "could shake the already fragile trade agreement between the two countries. Then protectionism would probably gain the upper hand again in terms of trade policy", warned the analysts at Commerzbank.

US President Donald Trump wants to comment on measures this Friday because of the law passed by the Chinese People’s Congress. This bypasses Hong Kong’s parliament and would be the most extensive encroachment on Hong Kong’s actually guaranteed autonomy to date.